Restaurant BrickAge
- Opening hours
*Business hours may be subject to change without prior notice. - Closed
- Monday (Tuesday, if Monday is a holiday), year-end, and New Year’s holidays
*Based on the regular closed dates of the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology - TEL
- 052-551-6243
- 052-551-6244
*The photo is an image.
Sit back and enjoy the chef’s exclusive menu of Western cuisine.
We also invite you to enjoy desserts handmade by our pastry chef and freshly brewed coffee during teatime when meeting up or after your tour.
Our staff members are waiting for your visit.
Latest menus, announcements, and other information
Various information on latest menu content and announcements from the restaurant are available on the “News” page of this site at any time.
Please check the link below.
- ・Various information on latest menu content, etc.
- ・Information on the lunch menu for groups
- ・Information on bento boxed lunches for groups
- ・Information for chartered parties
- ・Infection prevention measures at the restaurant
Restaurant BrickAge
TEL:052-551-6243 FAX:052-551-6244