Welcome to Virtual Guided Tours. Our online content will allow you to explore our museum from anywhere in the world. The tour mainly consists of videos recorded on-site with commentaries and demonstrations by our guides. In addition, there are special features, including 360° panoramic views and enlarged photos of key exhibits, which will make the tours even more engaging and enjoyable. You can follow the route of an actual tour by watching the videos in sequence. We hope you have a great time!

The Textile Machinery Pavilion exhibits about 100 machines ranging from preindustrial spinning and weaving tools to modern mechatronic textile machines, presenting an overview of the historical progress of the textile technology. The commentaries and demonstrations in the tour also highlight how the founder of the Toyota Group Sakichi Toyoda contributed to the rise of modern industry in Japan through his original thoughts and inventions. Moreover, the tour details how the textile industry has progressed since his days.
[Tour duration: about 50 minutes]
* Filmed on March, 2021

The Automobile Pavilion presents how Kiichiro Toyoda took leadership in producing Japanese-made automobiles and what changes have occurred in automotive engineering and production since those days. The key exhibits include the Toyoda Model AA Standard Sedan (Toyota’s first passenger car), a reproduction of an early assembly line, and a demonstration of the modern body assembly and welding by robot arms. All these can be experienced via videos in the tours.
[Tour duration: about 54 minutes]
*Filmed on May, 2021