


Current as of January 2025

Year established June 1994
Established by 17 Toyota Group companies (13 when the museum opened)
Managed by Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology Managing Union
Location 1-35, Noritake Shinmachi 4-chome, Nishi-ku, Nagoya 451-0051 Japan
Land size 41,596.8㎡
Floor size 26,718.58㎡
Number of visitors 430,864 (from January to December 2024)
Total visitors from the opening: 7,502,790 (from June 1994 to December 2024)

Background to the museum’s establishment

1976 The Toyota Foundation funds research by the Architectural Institute of Japan Subcommittee for Survey of Pre-war Taisho-Showa Period Architecture, surveying the architecture of Meiji, Taisho, and Showa-period architecture of Toyoda Automatic Loom Works Sako Plant building etc.
(Meiji period: 1868-1912; Taisho period: 1912-26; Showa period: 1926-89)
1980 Based on the survey results, the institute publishes “Architecture of modern Japan-Meiji, Taisho and Showa-Period buildings across Japan,” with coverage of the Sako plant.
1987 The Toyota Group establishes Former Toyoda Boshoku Sako Plant Building Survey Committee (headed by Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University Kishiro Iida) to evaluate a plan to use the Sako Plant as the group’s important industrial heritage, and starts surveying the building. In December, the “Sako Plant Building Survey Report” is created.
1988 Based on the report, the Toyota Foundation proposes to the Toyota Group a summary of the plan to reuse the building in the “Basic Report on TMP (Toyota Memorial Plaza) Project Detail Survey,” proposing the idea to build a commemorative museum as the group’s joint project.
1990 TMP Organizing Committee is launched.
1991 The construction of TMP is decided as a project by the Toyota Group. The basic design is started, evaluating basic concepts and how the construction should proceed. As a driving organization, a construction committee (headed by Toyota Motor Chairman Eiji Toyoda) is established.
1992 In May, the museum is officially named Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology. The construction ceremony is held in September.
1994 A completion ceremony is held on June 9. The museum is opened to the public on June 11, 100 years after the birth of Kiichiro Toyoda.

The number of visitors