Current as of January 2025
Year established | June 1994 |
Established by | 17 Toyota Group companies (13 when the museum opened) |
Managed by | Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology Managing Union |
Location | 1-35, Noritake Shinmachi 4-chome, Nishi-ku, Nagoya 451-0051 Japan |
Land size | 41,596.8㎡ |
Floor size | 26,718.58㎡ |
Number of visitors | 430,864 (from January to December 2024) Total visitors from the opening: 7,502,790 (from June 1994 to December 2024) |
Background to the museum’s establishment
1976 | The Toyota Foundation funds research by the Architectural Institute of Japan Subcommittee for Survey of Pre-war Taisho-Showa Period Architecture, surveying the architecture of Meiji, Taisho, and Showa-period architecture of Toyoda Automatic Loom Works Sako Plant building etc. (Meiji period: 1868-1912; Taisho period: 1912-26; Showa period: 1926-89) |
1980 | Based on the survey results, the institute publishes “Architecture of modern Japan-Meiji, Taisho and Showa-Period buildings across Japan,” with coverage of the Sako plant. |
1987 | The Toyota Group establishes Former Toyoda Boshoku Sako Plant Building Survey Committee (headed by Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University Kishiro Iida) to evaluate a plan to use the Sako Plant as the group’s important industrial heritage, and starts surveying the building. In December, the “Sako Plant Building Survey Report” is created. |
1988 | Based on the report, the Toyota Foundation proposes to the Toyota Group a summary of the plan to reuse the building in the “Basic Report on TMP (Toyota Memorial Plaza) Project Detail Survey,” proposing the idea to build a commemorative museum as the group’s joint project. |
1990 | TMP Organizing Committee is launched. |
1991 | The construction of TMP is decided as a project by the Toyota Group. The basic design is started, evaluating basic concepts and how the construction should proceed. As a driving organization, a construction committee (headed by Toyota Motor Chairman Eiji Toyoda) is established. |
1992 | In May, the museum is officially named Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology. The construction ceremony is held in September. |
1994 | A completion ceremony is held on June 9. The museum is opened to the public on June 11, 100 years after the birth of Kiichiro Toyoda. |
The number of visitors